Thursday 23 October 2014

Planning setting and iconography - Miss Georgiou

Planning setting and iconography
Locations and iconography are important within a music video as they establish the setting for the audience and make the music video more realistic for the audience to watch as the iconography adds to the effect of the video. The locations encourage the audience to continue watching as an interesting location can engage the audience and encourage them to continue watching.

Setting - House
We have chosen the location of a house where we will film in the bedroom and bathroom. We have decided to choose this location as we feel it would be easy to film in and it portrays the idea of love which is what our song is about as bedrooms portray the idea and concept of love and relationships. This conveys the message about our artist as it shows that she is down to earth as she is in an everyday setting which means that the audience will be able to relate to what is happening.

Within this setting we are going to film in the bed, by the dressing table and in the bath. We will film the artist in the bed with a man, getting dressed and doing her makeup by the dressing table and in the bath looking at pictures of her past relationship. 

The limitations of this setting are the fact that if the rooms are small in the house then it means we may not be able to set up the camera properly which would mean that we would struggle when filming. Other than this issue we haven't really got anymore limitations of this setting.

Health and safety risks that we may face in this location is we may drop the camera whilst we are in the house as some rooms may be small with everyone in whilst filming and make it difficult. We will overcome this problem by making sure not all of our filming team are in the same room so that we have more room to film.

The weather won't effect us whilst filming in this setting as the location is inside.

Setting - Camden/Brick Lane
We have chosen the location of Camden/Brick Lane as we think this will show how quirky as different the artist is and express her personality through the setting. As both locations are iconic quirky  places this will represent the artists personality and allow the audience to have an insight into the artist and her image. The fact that the locations are quirky and are seen to be 'different' this will portray the soul genre as it'll show the artists individuality which soul music is meant to represent. The audience will be able to relate to the artist more from this setting as they are relatable settings and they will be able to imagine themselves in the same situation. 

We are going to plan to film with a graffiti background whilst the artist is singing. This will portray the artist as individual and show her quirkiness as it is a unique setting. This will show the soul genre as the setting is personal and different compared to other settings in other music videos. We are going to include flashbacks of the artist being happy in past relationships in this setting to make the setting more personal to the artist. We are going to include close ups of the artist whilst she is singing which will show her emotions to the audience and make the setting more personal and allow the audience to engage with the artist and see her emotions. 

We are limited in what we can do in this setting as we are in the public and can't take up a whole place on the street to film, therefore we need to make sure we don't waste time when filming and make sure we film appropriately and make sure we are respectful to society and public. 

Health and safety risks involved whilst filming in this setting would be because we are filming in public there may be bystanders and other elements may affect our filming. 

Bad weather such as snow, rain and bad winds may effect our filming as it'll be difficult to film and ruin our shots. Therefore we will make sure we film on days when the weather is good so we don't have to worry about the weather effecting our filming. 

Iconography - Bath tub
We have chosen to use a bath tub in our music video when we are filming in a house setting. We have chosen this piece of iconography as it'll be used when the artist is in the bath looking at old pictures of her past relationship getting emotional trying to wash away her memories. This is conventional to the soul genre as it shows that the artist is getting emotional which is conventional as soul music is emotional. 

Iconography - Bed
We have chosen a bed as it symbolises relationships and love as this is what our song is about. The artist is going to be seen in bed with her past boyfriend getting emotional. The artist going to be portrayed as vulnerable and emotional and being in a bed with her ex boyfriend will emphasise her loneliness. There will be a birds eye view of the couple and this will be conventional as it shows the normality and how relatable the couple are.

Iconography - Dressing table
We have chosen this feminine vintage dressing table as we think it'll show the artists personality and style of being vintage, unique and different. There will be an over the shoulder shot of the artist doing her makeup in her underwear looking into the mirror getting emotional. This will show to the audience that the artist is relatable but also unique and emphasise her loneliness as she is looking at herself and trying to forget her bad memories. This is conventional to the soul genre as it shows that the artist is unique and shows her individuality. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques. You have considered the purpose of locations well and have focused on the effect that you will want to create well. However, further discussion of the conventions of soul is needed, to support the points that you have made.

    Now you need to relate your explanations back to your lyrics, to demonstrate further understanding of why you have selected to use certain locations in your production.
