Monday 20 October 2014

Planning artist image - Miss Georgiou

Planning artist image
A representation of an artist is important within a music video as it portrays to the audience what the artist is like, it shows that type of image they are trying to portray of themselves. It allows the audience to have a better understanding of the artist and their personality as it is being portrayed within the music video. 

The costumes we are going to have the artist wear in our music video are going to include a look where the artist is portraying a vintage style. She is going to be seen wearing a big vintage black hat and a vintage dress with her hair all curly and messy, also her makeup is going to be subtle with red lipstick and heavy eye makeup. This is going to portray the conventions of the soul genre as the artist is going to look vintage and unique which shows that her music is personal and unique to her as her look portrays her music. This image will help to portray the artist in a unique and personal way as it shows that her style and taste is unique to her and that no one else has the same taste and music as her. 

Also within the music video we are going to include the artist wearing her underwear with a silk dressing gown when she is her bedroom, at the dressing table and around the house setting. she is going to have messy hair and minimal make-up. This look will show that the artist is laid back and comfortable in her setting and with herself and shows that she is independent. This look is conventional to the soul genre as being in her underwear connotes the theme of love and relationships which is conventional as soul music is mainly about past relationships. This image helps to represent the artist as vulnerable and emotional as her outfit represents her interest in her past relationships and portraying them through her music videos.

The audience can build a relationship with the artist through the image we have created as the images portray the artist as being unique and quirky which shows she is relateable to audiences. Audiences can relate to the artist through her image as she is seen to be more accessible to audiences as they may aspire to be like her and her style. This would therefore build a relationship between the artist and target audience as the target audience are males and females aged 16-40, therefore the unique vintage image the artist is portraying would appeal to this target audience as her look portrays the soul genre. 

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing the image that you would like to create within your music video, but further discussion of your artist representation is needed. This can be achieved by considering the representation that you would like to portray in your video. Also aim to consider the other locations of your video and the various clothing that you would like to include.
