Wednesday 1 October 2014

Target audience results - Miss Miller

Carrying out research

The target audience for our music video is 16-40 year olds. We created a questionnaire and included 3 closed questions and 7 open questions. We carried out research so that we could find out what our target audience's opinions are on certain topics to do with making a music video. We asked 40 people the questions as we believe this would give us a average on what our audience as a whole think. The results i gather will help me to create my music video as they will indicate what our target audience want to see, therefore meaning we know what to include and make it enjoyable for them to watch and make the video more successful. 

The questions that we included in our research were:

1. Do you prefer your music videos to be.. performance, narrative or concept?
2. What's your favourite music genre and why?
3. What setting do you prefer the video to be filmed in?
4. What's your favourite music video?
5. What gender do you prefer to see in a music video? male/female/both
6. Who is your favourite artist and why?
7. How old are you?
8. Male or female?
9. What makes a good music video?
10. Do you prefer the artist to be featured in the music video and why?

These are our vox pops:

Who do you prefer in your music video?
The results show us that 32% of the people we asked would prefer to see a female in a music video rather than a male, where as 18% would rather see a male. 50% said they would rather see both genders in the music video, this is most popular because it applies to both genders and therefore making the target audience for the video wider and allows them to relate to whats happening more.

What is your favourite music genre?
From the results we gathered that 35% of our target audience said their favourite music genre is dance, this may be because people prefer to listen to music they can have fun to and enjoy themselves. On the other hand only 13% of people said their favourite genre is country, the statistics may be low because not many people listen to country music anymore. 22% of people prefer rap and 30% prefer soul, this may be because the music genres don't apply to all types of people as only certain people listen to the music.  

What is your favourite music video and why?
From the results we can see that 'Sam Smith - Not the only one is the most popular option and shows that its most peoples favourite music video where as Katy Perry - Roar is the least favourite music video. Whereas Beyonce - Partition and Ed Sheeran - Sing are in the middle as around 20% of people said these were their favourite music videos. Not the only one and Sing are the most highly rated videos in this as they have a narrative based videos and therefore portray that the participants enjoy narrative music videos rather than concept or performance.

Are you male or female?
From the pie chart we can see that the majority of our target audience are female and less are male. This may be because females may enjoy soul music more than males.

Who's your favourite music artist? 
From the pie chart we can tell that Beyonce and Ed Sheeran are the most favourite music artists followed by Sam Smith, Paloma Faith and One Direction then Iggy Azalea and Katy Perry. It shows that the artists that are featured in the chart are the most popular, meaning that people conform to what other people say makes a good music artist.

Do you prefer your artist to be featured in the music video?
The results show that the majority of people prefer the artist to be featured in the music video rather than an actor in replace of them and other people. This shows that they would rather see the artist in the video whether they are part of the narrative or if they are performing. 
How old are you?
From the results we can see that the biggest age group is 16-20 year olds and the smallest is 46-50. This shows that our target audience is 16-45 year olds as this covers all three age groups that are most popular and most interested in music.

In your opinion what makes a good music video?
It shows that the participants believe dance routines and storylines make a good music video and dont care as much about the lighting, props or setting. This shows that when making a music video you should make sure that you include a dance routine and storyline so that the audience enjoy it.
What setting do you prefer in a music video?
From the data we can tell that the public don't have a preference to what the location is in a music video as 35% picked 'none' as an option. On the other hand 28% picked a public location, 15% picked a club and 22% picked a home. This shows that each location is popular meaning that wherever we choose to film our music video the majority won't have a preference on where it is filmed.
What theme do you prefer in a music video?
From the results we can tell that 52% of the people we asked prefer narrative based music videos, this means that audiences prefer to watch a music video that has a storyline to it. This may be because they find it more interesting to watch and enjoy watching the narrative unfold. The least popular option was concept, this may be because audiences may not find the concept of the video interesting and would prefer to just watch and enjoy the video rather than there being a deeper meaning. 35% of the people we asked said they would prefer a performance based music video, this may be because some people prefer to watch the artist performing a dance routine than watching a storyline unfold in the video. 

Whilst carrying out this research, we found that the information that we found out will help us to create our own music video and make it into something that our audience's want to be watching and will enjoy. We will make sure that we do this by crafting our video by what we have found out about the audiences views and opinions. We will incorporate our results by displaying them in our video for example having a narrative based video as this was the most popular result and including females for the same reason. This will mean that our audience will enjoy the video more as they will be watching something that they said they enjoy. If we were to carry out the research again then we would probably use a bigger sample as the bigger the sample then the more likely it is to represent accurately the wider population and target audience.

From the results we can tell that they correlate with Hebdige's theory that although some people think subcultures only appear to be different but deep down they are the same, he says if you look deeper, there is enough richness to warrant renaming 'subcultures' as 'little cultures' This is shown through the results as there are many different answers being given for the open questions we asked showing that there are many little cultures being portrayed through our target audience. We will show Hebdige's theory in our music video by filming in areas such as Camden and Brick Lane (London) as these are main locations where 'little cultures' are most evident. We will include different people who belong to different little cultures within our video therefore making it accessible to different audiences and portraying Hebdige's theory.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a minimal analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, but not explaining what you will include within your video as a result.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain what you will include (more specifically) within your music video because of your results
    2) Include a paragraph on the importance on creating vox pops
    3) Include your vox pops properly - actual videos rather than links
    4) Elaborate on your analysis
