Wednesday 12 November 2014

Storyboard - Miss Georgiou

The purpose of a storyboard is to plan as a group what we are planning on filming in our music video. Making a storyboard will allow us to plan into the future and have a clear idea of what we are going to include in our music video, this way when we come to film we will have a clear understanding of what we want to film and how we want to film it eg. with different camera angles. Making a storyboard will be effective as we wont waste time when we come to film as we will already know what shots we are doing and in a specific order, therefore we will be able to use our time effectively to make out shots the best they can be. We will have also planned the camera angle, duration, iconography, characters, lighting, setting etc so we will have clear visuals in our head of what our music video will be like so we can address problems if they occur.

We used the primary and secondary research to plan our music video as we used the results we gathered from our questionaires to help with which setting we were planning on using, the character in the video and also whether it was going to be narrative, concept or performance. This way we could make a music video to best suit our target audience and make it as successful as it could be. We used secondary research such as researching into the soul genre to plan what camera shots and editing styles we are going to include to make our music video most conventional to the soul genre. This way our music video could be as successful as possible as it would follow genetic conventions.

My group and I storyboarded our music video by thinking about what we wanted each of our shots to look like in our music video and drew a picture of them, then we wrote what editing style we were planning on using, the camera shot, the character, hair makeup and costume and the time frame we wanted the shot to go on for. As a group we put together everyone's ideas to create the storyboard with everyone putting in their own suggestions on how we wanted it to turn out.  We shared the responsibility of making the storyboard by Shaun and Lucy were in charge of drawing the images of what we all wanted the music video to look like where as Devon and myself were in charge of filling out the details of the technical information as we had very clear ideas of how we would carry out Shaun and Lucy's visions, we decided on the camera angles, order of scenes and most of the mise-en-scene.

·         - Did you follow your storyboards, or did you make changes? Answer this question after you have filmed

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not explored the whole length of your song and have only included a basic outline of your production, which demonstrates the basic planning.

    Therefore, you need to relate back to your lyric annotation post and aim to re-storyboard your production, so that it outlines the whole of the production.
