Monday 10 November 2014

Risk assessment - Miss Georgiou

Risk Assessment
It is important to consider risks before filming as it means that we can identify any potential hazards and hopefully find ways to avoid them when we are filming. We have found 8 potential hazards when we are filming and identified his we will stop them from happening. It is important to consider these risks before filming as it means we have considered the safety of the group and the public. 

The risk assessment will assist us when filming as when we are filming and we come across hazards we will now know how to deal with them and mean that we don't waste any time trying to overcome the problems. This means that we have more time to spend filming rather than wasting time overcoming issues when we could be editing our footage or filming more.

Description of hazard
Prevention of hazard
Trailing leads while filming
Use gaffer tape to secure leads
Dropping the camera during a handheld camera shot
Use strap around your hand
Tripping over the tri-pod
Place it sensibly when not using it
Getting too cold when filming outside
Wear warm clothes and have breaks inside
Falling over when running
Make sure the area is clear before running
Going into the road with cars
Film sensibly and be aware
Bath water could spill and we could slip
Mop the floor and keep towels on the floor
Filming in a busy, public area with pedestrians 
Be aware of our surroundings. Moving out the way for people and filming at less busy times of the day

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a risk assessment is. You have made a start in identifying potential risks and hazards, however, further analysis of how you will prevent the hazards is needed to demonstrate further planning.

    Did you counter any more risks while filming?
