Saturday 1 November 2014

Planning lighting and colour - Miss Georgiou

Planning lighting and colour

A variety of lighting styles and colours are essential within a music video as it keeps the music video engaging for the audience as lighting styles help to portray the mood of the music video and how the artist is feeling. This means that audiences will understand the music video better as they will have a clearer understanding of the mood and feeling.

In our music video we are mainly going to be using natural lighting. For example when the artist is in Brick Lane/Camden singing against a graffiti backdrop and when the artist is having flashbacks. We think this would make the video much more relateable to audiences if its all natural light and no artificial light as it would seem much more realistic. Also as this setting is in a public location, using natural light would be a lot more convenient as it would be very difficult to add extra light with the public around us. The use of natural lighting is conventional to the soul genre as it makes the scenes much more relateable to audiences and more realistic. Therefore it represents the artist to be relateable and normal which allows the audience to engage with them.

Within the bedroom and bathroom scene, we are going to use dull lighting. This will therefore portray to the audience the emotional representation of the lyrics through the visuals of the dark lighting. In these scenes our artist is being portrayed as upset and emotional and we therefore believe that this lighting will help contribute to audiences being aware of this. This lighting represents our artist is distresses and emotional as she is seen to be looking vulnerable and therefore the lighting helps add to the mood of this. This is conventional to the soul genre as it promotes a negative feeling towards the audience showing that the artist is emotional and hurt which portrays on her music.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not explored your music video in enough detail and have only focused on two scenes. Therefore, you need to refer back to your storyboards to ensure that you have included points on all the different lighting styles.

    What colours will you include and why?
