Thursday 4 December 2014

Individual magazine advert - Miss Miller

Individual Magazine Advert

Creating a magazine advert is important because it will advertise the artists new album to a wide audience meaning that the target audience will be able to find out about the artists new album, making them want to go out and buy the album.

The colours used in my magazine advert appeal to the target audience as i have used colours such as black, white and red. These colours portray our chosen genre - soul, as the colour red portrays the theme of love and romance which is what our chosen song is about. This appeals to the target audience as it allows them to gain an insight into what the album is about, meaning they will feel more engaged in the artist and how she is feeling. The colour black and white portray the artist as quite dark and emotional as it shows that the artist has a lot of feelings she can't get in touch with as she feels she is in the dark. This promotes the artist as it shows her being mysterious and different meaning that audiences will want to find out more about the artist and about her emotions as it seems like she is hiding something. These colours promote my artist effectively as it shows that she is simple as there aren't a lot of colours being used which shows she is more focused on the music than her image. The images being used within my magazine advert is an image of the artist leaning against a wall looking away. I have used this image as it shows the artist looking emotional and mysterious which connects with our chosen genre of soul. This therefore promotes the artist as being different and unique as most artists magazine adverts use a picture of the artists face as the main image but it shows the artist is more interested in her music. This image would appeal to the target audience as audiences will think the artist is mysterious and therefore want to find out more, meaning they will want to buy the album. The layout/design of my magazine advert is the artist is leaning against the wall but the image is slightly off to the right, the name of the artist is at the top, the album name is at the bottom and there is some extra writing underneath. I have laid it out this way as the artist is seen to be off centre which shows she is unique and different compared to other artists as she is focused on her music rather than her image, this would appeal to the target audience as they would want to find out more about the artist. The layout of the writing would appeal to the target audience as the font is big which means it will grab the audiences attention as it is big and clear at the top of the advert, this would appeal to the target audience as they would recognise the artists name and therefore would want to buy the album. The typography used in the magazine advert includes a bold clear font in red with a white border as well as a vintage style writing at the bottom, the two different fonts appeal to the target audience as the writing is big and clear which would grab the target audiences attention and therefore engage them to buy the album, the vintage writing at the bottom is conventional to the soul genre as it shows the artist being unique and different which promotes the artist's image as being quirky vintage and unique. The language used in my magazine advert appeals to the target audience as i have used the artists name, album title and a hit song. This would appeal to the target audience as they would recognise the artists name etc meaning they would want to buy the album as they may already like the artist from her past music. I have also included 'OUT NOW' as this would encourage the target audience to go out and buy the album. All of these aspects are conventional to the soul genre as it promotes the artist as being unique and vintage portraying the conventions of the soul genre of being unique and yourself.

When using photoshop i struggled with a number of techniques such as changing the colour of the font when i done my research i came across a number of different fonts where i found the vintage style font. My strengths whilst using photoshop would be editing the image such as using the different brightness, contrast and highlighting meaning that i could edit the image well which is how i managed to change the colour of the image to make it more dull.

I feel like my advert conforms to the conventions of the soul genre as it portrays the artist being unique and different which is a large convention of the soul genre as being personal and yourself. I feel my advert appeals to the target audience as the artist looks mysterious and unique meaning that audience will find the artist appealing as they want to find out about the artist more and therefore buy the album. I feel like creating my own magazine advert will ensure my group produces a successful magazine advert as we will be able to put all out ideas together to make it the best as possible.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your individual advert, explaining clearly why you have incorporated some of your elements.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you state specifically what tools you struggled to use and why, and what tools you ended up using and why
    2) Make sure you cover all bullet points listed ad complete a full analysis of each
    3) Elaborate on your photoshop paragraph
