Thursday 18 December 2014

Group magazine advert - Miss Miller

Group magazine advert

After creating magazine adverts as individuals, we reflected upon our design decisions and discussed elements of each others work which we believe to be conventional therefore appealing to our target audience. By evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each others individual work, it allowed us to combine the stronger elements into one final group magazine advert. We came together as a group and chose everyones best aspects of their individual magazine advert and decided to combine our ideas together to make our group magazine advert. 

From my own magazine advert we decided to use the idea of the black and white image, we thought this was a good idea as it portrays the artist as being mysterious and it isn't very conventional to the soul genre which also promotes the artist as being unique and individual. This is a positive representation as it emphasises the artists image of being unique and quirky. The colours used in my magazine advert were good as i used the colour red as the writing, we decided not to use this writing as you cannot read the writing very clearly which would make our magazine advert ineffective as audiences wouldn't be able to read the text. Also from my advert we decided to use the same layout of having the artist as the main image on the page and the layout of the writing where the title of the album is at the bottom with extra writing underneath and the artists name at the top of the page. We decided to use this format as it promotes the artist as important as she is the only image on the page. This appeals to the target audience as they will clearly be able to see the album title and artist name which will grab their attention. The typography used in my magazine advert was effective as it stands out from the background and is clear, this is why we decided to use this font in our group magazine advert but change the colours to make them appeal to audiences more. We changed the colour from red to light pink to match the colour of the artists coat. This appeals to the target audience as it makes the advert all the same colour scheme and stands out from the image, where as the colour red didn't stand out as much which wouldn't have appealed to the target audience making it less successful. Overall my strengths of my magazine advert was the font and the image as we decided to use both of these in our group advert making them vital pieces of the advert. These were my strengths as they appeal to the target audience as the font is big and clear making it easy to read and the image clearly shows the artist which would appeal to the target audience as they can see the image. The weaknesses of my magazine advert would be the colours and i used the colour red as the font which doesn't stand out from the image which means that it wouldn't grab the audiences attention.

We then looked at Shaun's magazine advert which was in black and white so had a very different feel to the other adverts. From Shaun's advert we got inspiration from the black and white background as it portrays the artists as being mysterious and unique. Therefore we decided to use this idea as it promotes the artist positively. Shaun's advert isn't very conventional to the soul genre which we thought wasn't an effective idea as it wouldn't appeal to our target audience and would portray our artist in a different genre. The layout of Shaun's advert was effective as it had the artist on the right hand side of the page and the artists name and album title in the middle, although we didn't use this layout we thought it was effective and decided we would use this in our group digipak. The images used in Shaun's advert was the artist looking of centre and the background being a dark forest. We decided we were going to use the image of the artist but have her in colour rather than black and white so she would stand out and grab the audiences attention. We weren't going to use the background of the forest as it isn't very conventional to the soul genre therefore meaning it wouldn't appeal to our target audience. The typography and language used in Shaun's digipak is again not conventional to the soul genre so we decided not to include these in our group digipak as they don't portray the artist in a unique quirky way. Overall Shaun's weaknesses of his advert is that it isn't conventional to the soul genre which is a disadvantage as it means it doesn't appeal to the target audience making it less likely to be successful. Although Shaun's strength of his digipak is the layout as it effectively promotes the artist clearly as the text is in the centre of the page, grabbing the audiences attention.

We then looked at Lucy's magazine advert and analysed her strengths and weaknesses and what we were going to take from it for our group digipak. Firstly, Lucy's advert is very conventional to the soul genre which is her strength as it appeals to the target audience making it an effective advert. Also the colours Lucy has used within her digipak are conventional to the soul genre as the colour red has been used on the font and the artist is seen to be wearing red lipstick. This is effective as it promotes the concept of love, relationships and emotion making the advert very conventional, although we decided not to use the red font in our group advert as it the colour doesn't stand out from any of the images we tried meaning it wouldn't grab the audiences attention. The layout and design of Lucy's advert is conventional as she has mirrored the image of the artist to make it look like a heart, this is conventional as it promotes the theme of love and relationships which would appeal to the target audience as they would be gaining an insight into the artists life. This image promotes the artist as being hurt and emotional as it shows it is all she is thinking about. We decided not to use this image as it was a bit too complicated for our advert as there wouldn't be much room for any text as it wouldn't stand out from the rest of the image. Lucy's strength of her magazine advert was her image, the image grabs the audiences attention and portrays the artist as being quirky and different as it is an unusual image. Lucy's weakness with her magazine advert was her typography as the font size was too small as it wasn't big enough to grab the audiences attention. 

We lastly looked at Devon's magazine advert for our inspiration for our group magazine advert. Devon's magazine advert is conventional to the soul genre as includes an image of the artist looking emotional wearing vintage quirky clothing making her seem unusual and unique. Devon done this so that the advert would appeal to the target audience who enjoy soul music, therefore we decided to use this image in our group magazine advert as although the artist is looking down you can still see her face allowing audiences to recognise her. The colours used in Devon's advert are very bright as the artist is emphasised by her pink coat and the title of the album is green and her name in white. These colours aren't very conventional to the soul genre so we decided not to use these colours as they don't promote our artist very well and don't appeal to our target audience. The layout/design of Devon's advert is the image of the artist is off centre to the right, the artists name at the bottom and the album title at the top. We decided to use a similar layout in our digipak but move the artist to the centre more and put the artist name at the top rather than the album title so that it is clearly to identify the artist. The language is the same that we all used in our advert; the artists name, album title and featuring the smash hit, the typography Devon used was effective as we decided to use the same font that she used she used writing the artists name as it stands out from the image and is very clear to read. Devon's strengths of her advert is the image and font as the image promotes the artist well but still shows her being shy and mysterious. Devon's weakness was the colours she used as they don't portray the soul genre and therefore don't appeal to our target audience.


1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your group advert, explaining clearly how the different elements used appeal to you TA etc.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you state specifically what elements you took from each group member’s advert and why
    2) Make sure you explain how elements used appeal to your TA
    3) Include a conclusion saying how you found working together to create a final advert and your overall opinion of it
