Monday 5 January 2015

Rough Cut - Miss Georgiou

Rough Cut
Audience feedback is important to a production as it allows us to make changes to our work based on constructive criticism we receive, it allows us to adapt our work in order to make our audiences enjoy it more and therefore make it more successful. Audience feedback tells us what we have done well and what we need to improve on making our future work more of what our audience is looking for. We carried out our audience feedback through showing a class of media students a rough copy of our music video which they then gave us criticism of what we could improve on including things such as camera angles, settings, editing and costumes. We then collected sheets from them as they filled out what our strengths and weaknesses in their opinion are of our music video. Receiving audience feedback benefits my production and music industry as it allows the production team to create a better music video what the audience want to watch and one that is much more improved, which therefore benefits the music industry as it makes the music video more successful meaning more people will watch it leading to a raise in sales.
From the feedback we received both positive and negative comments, which included;
  •  Good use of location
  •  Good narrative
  •  Conventional to the soul genre
  •  More angles need to be used
  •  Lip singing parts need to be improved
  •  Repetitive camera shots
From these comments received we decided to make the following changes to our music video:
  •  re-film a large amount of the music video and think carefully about the camera shots we are using and the effect we want to make from them as we hadn't used a variety of shots at all, therefore including different shots is vital to maintain the audiences attention throughout the music video.
  •  re-film again but re-film the parts where our artist is lip-singing as they don't look professional and could be improved.
  • whilst we are re-filming the camera shots and lip-singing parts of our music video we also need to add different angles within these shots to keep our music video engaging and interesting for our audience.

•Include images from youtube and the paper assessment, to demonstrate the feedback that you received

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic understanding of what the purpose or audience feedback and this is because you have not explored the comments that you received in enough detail. You have included them and have started to reflect on the comments, but you need to be more specific as to what you are going to change in your final product. You also need to include evidence of your comments from youtube too.
