Monday 5 January 2015

Rough Cut - Miss Georgiou

Rough Cut
Audience feedback is important to a production as it allows us to make changes to our work based on constructive criticism we receive, it allows us to adapt our work in order to make our audiences enjoy it more and therefore make it more successful. Audience feedback tells us what we have done well and what we need to improve on making our future work more of what our audience is looking for. We carried out our audience feedback through showing a class of media students a rough copy of our music video which they then gave us criticism of what we could improve on including things such as camera angles, settings, editing and costumes. We then collected sheets from them as they filled out what our strengths and weaknesses in their opinion are of our music video. Receiving audience feedback benefits my production and music industry as it allows the production team to create a better music video what the audience want to watch and one that is much more improved, which therefore benefits the music industry as it makes the music video more successful meaning more people will watch it leading to a raise in sales.
From the feedback we received both positive and negative comments, which included;
  •  Good use of location
  •  Good narrative
  •  Conventional to the soul genre
  •  More angles need to be used
  •  Lip singing parts need to be improved
  •  Repetitive camera shots
From these comments received we decided to make the following changes to our music video:
  •  re-film a large amount of the music video and think carefully about the camera shots we are using and the effect we want to make from them as we hadn't used a variety of shots at all, therefore including different shots is vital to maintain the audiences attention throughout the music video.
  •  re-film again but re-film the parts where our artist is lip-singing as they don't look professional and could be improved.
  • whilst we are re-filming the camera shots and lip-singing parts of our music video we also need to add different angles within these shots to keep our music video engaging and interesting for our audience.

•Include images from youtube and the paper assessment, to demonstrate the feedback that you received

Group Digipak - Miss Miller

Group Digipak
We agreed on our group digipak by working as a team and putting all of our ideas together by using the best part of each others individual digipaks. We contributed our best elements from our own digipak to create our group digipak with all of our group members ideas, we done this so that we could include the most conventional aspects in our digipak to make it most conventional to the soul genre this way making it the most successful digipak we can make it. We went through each group members digipak and picked out the most creative conventional parts of it and incorporated them in our group digipak.

 From my own digipak we decided to take certain elements from it to use in our group digipak as we thought these portray our genre the best and appeal to our target audience. We decided to use two of the images incorporated in my digipak including the first image i used of the artist and the fourth image in my digipak of the artist writing on the mirror. We decided to use these images in our group digipak as these images are very conventional to the soul genre as in the first image you can clearly see the artists face therefore appealing to our target audience as they are able to see the artists facial expressions, meaning that audiences would be able to connect with the artist and understand her feelings. This is why we decided to use this image in our group digipak although we changed the colour of it as being black and white didn't stand out enough so we used different effects to make it appeal to our target audience more. The second image we decided to use from my digipak was the one where the artist is writing the title of the album on a mirror, we wanted to use this image as it is a unique quirky way of writing the album title. This also portrays the artist as being different and individual compared to other artists who would just write the album title. We thought this would appeal to the target audience as it shows the artist being more personal and involved with her work rather than it just looking professionally done. We decided to keep more or less the same colour of the photo as the writing is in red lipstick which symbolises love and relationships and would give audiences an insight into what the album is about and thoughts of the artist. The strengths of my digipak was that there was a good choice of images used which helped grab audiences attention but the weaknesses of my digipak was the choice of colours as there was a running theme of dull and black and white images which didn't stand out and wouldn't grab audiences attention.

 Next we looked at Shaun's digipak to gain inspiration and ideas. Shaun made his digipak very simplistic but portraying the theme of love and relationship's through the colour scheme of red and pink, we decided not to use these images as they're not very personal to the artist therefore meaning they wouldn't appeal to our target audience very well. Although we did decide to use the same font Shaun used in his 2nd image of his digipak for our artists name in our digipak as the font is unique and quirky and stands out from the background we decided to use, this would appeal to our target audience as they would easily be able to read it and therefore be drawn to the digipak. As a group we felt like Shaun's digipak subverted the soul genre as it portrayed aspects of a rock genre with the use of roses and dark backgrounds therefore we decided not to use these images in our digipak as they wouldn't appeal to our target audience of soul fans. Shauns strength within his digipak was his layout and font as the fonts he decided to use stood out from the backgrounds well and grabbed the audiences attention and the layout was clear and simple making it easy to read Shaun's weakness of his digipak was that it wasn't conventional to the soul genre as it hasn't included many images of the artist making it hard for audiences to engage in the digipak.

We lastly looked at Devon's digipak for ideas, Devon's digipak was conventional to the soul genre and had a lot going on in each picture. We decided to use Devon's 'message to fans' as the image of the artist leaning against the brick wall was quirky and unique and portrays the artist as being different and fun. The only thing we changed about it was we added a black outer glow to the text so that it is easier to read and stands out more from the background. We also added the artists signature on the message to fans image to make it more personal to the audience. From Devon's digipak we also used the last image of the perfume bottle and the tracklist image, although we moved the image slightly to the left so that audiences would be able to see the artist better and made the writing more bold so it stands out and is easier to read. Devon's strengths of her digipak is that it is very conventional to the soul genre which appeals to our target audience although her weakness was there was to many busy images as audiences would think there is too much going on in the digipak.

Overall i feel our group digipak conforms to the soul genre as it shows the artist reaching out to audiences to build a relationship through unique more personal images of the artist and a letter to her fans. This makes it conventional to the soul genre as within the images the artist is looking emotional and sad which is conventional to the soul genre to be emotional and in touch with your feelings. The digipak is also very conventional as the artist is being represented as approachable and like an every day person as she is seen in the street and in places where our target audience will be able to relate to her. Through creating individual digipaks i feel it helped us as a group to evaluate what each member of our group are best at when creating a digipak, this meant that when we came to create our group digipak we used everyone strongest skills.